
About Us

Dr RPS Institute of education under control and managed by the rural welfare society having registered office at Village-Nahil Nagriya, Tehsil-Ghiror District Mainpuri is a non profitable registered voluntary organisation established in 2011 and registered on 14/10/2011 vide reg .no. AG-55112 Under the society registration act of 1860 in agra district of uttar pradesh north india our society is working in the field of special education, general education, area and social activities its on campus is located at main ghiror Parham road nahil nagriya district mainpuri.

it also has its own special school that provides education for special children. in the special school there are qualified and experienced staffs that use to teach disable children and take assessment and diagnose their disabilities. Rural welfare society aim to provide comprehensive and holistic rehabilitation services to transform the lives of the persons with disabilities towards empowerment on rights mode and access to enabling and empowering environment.

FLCN covers programs of prevention ,identification, early intervention education, vocational training livelihood and independent living services while holistic development programme will provide physiotherapy occupational therapy, speech therapy, audio logical services physiological therapy ,family support etc. Our organisation also works on creating, enabling and empowering environment by building capacity and the community towards barrier free environment, community, mobilization and self help group formation and activation.

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